“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
John 13:34
PSHE Intent Statement
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
Romans 12:12
PSHE is a subject that is taught in faith and through the faith version of Heart Smart. We deliver one lesson per week. However, this should be filtered through each day via prayer, independent work and play, assemblies, special curriculum days and it is built in the ethos of the school our mission - to promote positive catholic values to create well rounded members of our society.
Within the PSHE curriculum, pupils are able to focus on Personal, Social, health and Economic issues alongside Citizenship and Careers education. Throughout their time at Our Lady of Lourdes, pupils will participate in various projects linked to these areas, which should enhance their knowledge and understanding of key issues and topics. In every year of the school we deliver RSE Journey in Love as part of a theme of education and guidance for our students to enlighten and develop their thinking around relationships to help prepare them for all aspects of life, all within the Catholic Church guidance for schools.
It is important we all feel we belong and have understanding of others. Confidence to communicate our feelings, to love one another, grow and preserve to become the best we can possibly be. Surely this is the most important part of our educational system.
Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Intent Statement A rich RSE curriculum builds upon the prior experiences of our children and their curiosity about the world around them. Through our RSE curriculum, we want our children to develop the skills to make and maintain positive relationships with others. Additionally, we want them to learn and appreciate the wonder of human growth, change and reproduction. Through our RSE curriculum, we aim to develop in our children high self-esteem and instil respect for themselves and others. Underpinning our curriculum is the knowledge of God’s great love for us and our own uniqueness. |
At Our Lady of Lourdes, we use the HeartSmart scheme and A Journey in Love (the Diocesan recommended scheme) to teach PSHE and RSE. Both schemes are structured and engaging approaches to teaching PSHE and RSE that our children enjoy. We want every child to know that they are unique individuals who are loved, cared for and valued. HeartSmart and A Journey in Love help us to do this.
HeartSmart helps us to fulfil the statutory guidance that states children should know about:
- Families and people who care for me
- Caring friendships
- Respectful relationships
- Online relationships
- Being safe
Below is the whole school HeartSmart overview, the progression documents for HeartSmart for each year group and the overviews for A Journey in Love for each year group.
HeartSmart progression documents:
A Journey in Love overviews: